▶歌曲欣赏 | 一首动听的犹太民谣 Donna Donna
《Donna Donna》《多娜多娜》是一首著名的犹太经典民谣,歌词由犹太诗人Aaron Zeitlin所作,歌曲作于二战时期,后被译成英文,经美国著名民谣歌手Joan Baez演唱而闻名世界。
On a wagon bound for market. There’s a calf with a mournful eye .
High above him there’s a swallow. Winging swiftly through the sky .
How the winds are laughing. They laugh with all their might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through. And half the summer’s night .
Donna Donna Donna Donna
多娜 多娜…
Donna Donna Donna Do~
Donna Donna Donna Donna
Donna Donna Donna Do~
Stop complaining , said the farmer , Who told you a calf to be ?
“别再抱怨了” 农夫说,谁叫你是一头牛?
Why don’t you have wings to fly with. Like the swallow so proud and free ?
你为何没有能飞的翅膀 像燕子那般骄傲而自由?”
How the winds are laughing . They laugh with all their might
风儿正开怀 笑得真起劲
Laugh and laugh the whole day through. And half the summer’s night .
一天到晚笑不停 笑到夏夜半冥。
Donna Donna Donna Donna
多娜 多娜…
Donna Donna Donna Do~
Donna Donna Donna Donna
Donna Donna Donna Do~
Calves are easily bound and slaughtered . Never knowing the reason why .
牛儿任人捆缚宰割 从来不知原因为何
But whoever treasures freedom . Like the swallow has learned to fly .
Donna Donna Donna Donna
多娜 多娜…
歌词里的可怜小牛充满哀伤,而自在轻盈的燕子正振翼高飞,多么鲜明的对照?多娜,多娜,是风儿嬉笑? 或是牛犊的哀哞?抑或是悲欢交织之声?
February 21, 2020
近日本地及海外因新型冠状病毒感染肺炎引起的排华情绪令我们深感关注。犹太人从自己的历史中深深了解到这些负面情绪和谣言很容易被煽动成恐慌,令华人变成替罪羊,我们感同身受。我们誓言尽力共同维护华人社区安 全,与你们合力打击互联网上的辱华言论及无理指责,并肩共渡时艰。
National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease理事Anthony Fauci已澄清新型冠状病毒感染肺炎对美国「 威胁性极之微小」, 大家无须与华人分隔以及无须避免到中国餐厅用膳。过去数日已有不少犹太人自发性地组 织代表团光顾中国餐厅,以实际行动声援我们的华裔朋友。
Michael Fromm JCPA主席
February 21, 2020
Dear Friends,
We are writing to express our heartfelt solidarity with you during these tense and troubling times.
We are concerned about rising xenophobia aimed at Chinese people in this country and abroad over the COVID-19 “coronavirus”. We know that in such times, concern can quickly turn into hysteria, which can lead to scapegoating. We pledge to help ensure that Chinese people feel safe and supported, and to combat attacks and stereotyping on social media. We know from history, ours and yours, that such fearmongering can be devastating.
We are also aware that many Chinese-owned businesses have been affected by misinformed concerns about the COVID-19 virus. Please be assured that we will strongly encourage our own community not to give in to such fears. According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, the danger for Americans is “just miniscule” and there is no need to avoid Chinese people or businesses. Indeed, several Jewish communities have sent delegations to local Chinatowns to show their unwavering support.
The Chinese and Jewish communities share much in common, including a commitment to the highest ideals and welcoming spirit of America. We in the Jewish community are more committed than ever to upholding these ideals and ensuring they are extended to you, our friends and neighbors.
Lastly, we know many of you are concerned about the health of relatives and friends in China. We offer our thoughts and prayers.
Please do not hesitate to call upon us at any time.
Very sincerely,
Michael Fromm
JCPA Chair
David Bernstein
JCPA President and CEO
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